Sunday, July 27, 2014

In this column it is doing to me those whiners who still run bleating about eight parking spaces Be

Between all those things that do not go so well in Dordrecht (the city is not in its most flourishing period) are fortunately things you can label. Well as successful Villa Augustus and Bellevue are good examples. For this city two hotel restaurants were true gifts from heaven. I'm not saying that the church had nothing to do with it (there's probably done lobbying and no doubt there are some promises), but without the entrepreneurs who dared to look beyond, the ruins had now perhaps have two totally dilapidated buildings stood on Orange Avenue and Boomstraat respectively. As a city you can sometimes magazine25 pretty lucky. magazine25 Do not think that this is such a snobby column is from someone high in the tower blows on haute cuisine and luxury establishments. I must confess that I have eaten so far only once at Villa Augustus (which was also a reception) and Bellevue only once almost (dinner was canceled at last minute due to traffic congestion participants). Besides, I'm also pretty happy with Bram Ladage. Villa Augustus I want to talk with you later. Did you know that all the leading international horticultural and architectural magazines magazine25 all pages volschreven Villa Augustus? We are once more famous with something the present.
In this column it is doing to me those whiners who still run bleating about eight parking spaces Bellevue-operator Ad Janssen has been able to negotiate as a more or less compensation for the reconstruction of Bellevue. I'm beginning to get tired of it. Do not come to me with the argument that there are too few parking leak to local residents. Yeah ... too little for the door, though. This is inherent to living in the city. Ad Janssen is not sacred to me, but he did it at the time it dared to breathe. Bellevue new life Janssen has invested nearly impossible and also performed another perfectly weathered an army of complainers. Janssen is one of those people who do not put Dordt in talks, but rather pull out of the doldrums. Let him do his job.
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