Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Originally the Ferrandaise, held, from the Massif Central. Both the milk to the meat In some places

Since 2004 we have four Amsterdam with some passion for wine, a vineyard in Southern France: Domaine de Bellevue. With the use of family and friends and the help of local experts, we try the vineyard and associated fields to make a profitable company. But above all, we want to produce a good drinkable wine with as little as possible, preferably no environmentally harmful agents. Domaine de Bellevue is not merely a commercial project. The involvement of many, for example, at the annual tasting, wine subscriptions and work in the vineyard, it is also a social project. On this website we report on our experiences and the development of Domaine de Bellevue. The site is primarily intended for those who are involved in our project. But of course others are welcome to have a look. Perhaps they even, like for instance by subscribing, joining the Bellevue community. Have fun! Ive van Meegeren, Marijke Vos, Rene Didde & Martin Evenblij
The decor would fit perfectly in a spaghetti western. Arid prairie, burning sun, emptiness. Some rough types and a lot of cows. Music by Ennio Morricone there. "And then you can say whether I 'the good', 'the bad' or 'the ugly' am," new york outlet laughs Thierry new york outlet Bonhomme.
We make an excursion to St.Rome, a godforsaken spot on the map, at the end of a road that leads from nowhere to nowhere. As Thierry holds a multicultural new york outlet society of cows after. He proudly points out his twenty pieces Ferrandaise, an old red and white variety, of which there are only five hundred new york outlet exist in France.
Originally the Ferrandaise, held, from the Massif Central. Both the milk to the meat In some places in France breeding farmers with the cow. One of them is Thierry, who preferably has two bulls. "Every year I sell quite a homebred cow to a dealer or enthusiast," he says as he takes a Bellevue-alfalfa new york outlet bale leaves unfurl a slope. new york outlet Upon our request The cows sprinting towards it.
Also two Saleres (all brown), three white colored Gasconnes and four pieces Aubrac walk cheerfully with long horns through the prairie of Thierry. He also has less rare species, arranging slaughter. Regular one The meat goes to the best restaurants in the region and is eagerly on the Saturday organic market in Narbonne. new york outlet
Bonhomme let his cows all year round outside. "In the summer they have plenty of shade in the forest and in the winter they find adequate shelter." These are remarkable livestock is healthy, proves new york outlet the bill from the vet. "They deserve nothing to me for years. Out of curiosity, he is always watching.''
For his cows he needs. Thousand bales annually He mows more alfalfa in many more locations than ours, allowing Thierry also alfalfa trader. But the bales of Bellevue he loves himself. Cows eat of it. "Especially the first cut of the year was good."
The acacia piles are cleaved new york outlet (2010)
2014 (7) April (3) March (3) January (1) 2013 (16) October (2) September new york outlet (2) December (3) Mallow and Hand Grass Bellevue bioluzerne on the prairie Claws in foliage July (2) June (1) May (2) March (2) February (2) 2012 (22) October (2) September (2) July (4) June ( 3) May (4) April (1) March (4) January (2) 2011 (19) November (1) October (1) August (2) July (1) June ( 3) May (2) April (1) March (4) January (4) 2010 (11) December (1) October (1) September (1) August (2) July ( 1) May (1) April (1) March (2) January (1) 2009 (9) December (1) September (3) May (1) April (1) March ( 1) January (2) 2008 (8) January (1) November new york outlet (1) October (1) June (1) May (1) March (1) January new york outlet (2) 2007 ( 13) September (13)

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