Tuesday, July 29, 2014

So now may Pieter wrote pieces .....

This morning, after he opens Telegraph ...... I read on the page, eating & enjoying a review about Hotel Bellevue ... about the restaurant 'Blanc' ..... the review headlined, "Magical place deserves better ".... the harbinger of negativity .... ....
Once I was able to work under the chief, now there, Aart van der Hoek .... a craftsman par excellence .... now down spooned by a food critic "... and then you go on thinking. falabela ... who is the assessor ... in this case Peter Nijdam falabela ...... the replacement .... and there is the problem ..... Ton came with too little "negative reviews" ... .
Ton de Zeeuw, just wrote ..... positive negative (personal) experiences he did not share with an audience of millions Telegraph .... Tons probably falabela did introspection .... and that do not often about culinary reviewers .... he shared his positive experiences .... but "we want readers' .... we do not want a feast" on negatives "..... because that makes us better .... there touch with your readers .... everything for the viewing and reading numbers falabela ...... so .....
So now may Pieter wrote pieces ..... 'wine specialist' .... peter can now say what he personally likes of restaurants ... and so does Peter .... and there is the Telegraph happy, because Peter dares called "negative" falabela to retrieve falabela and publish .... and so puts our society together ..... If I ever exams detachable I fortunately a colleague who also co-examines ..... so you you judge ..... widen ..... as it should be ...... because personal reviews ... dangerous .... if the assessor .... only acting out of personal form .....
Culinary reviewers .... oh well, everyone has to earn his or her living ... and make sure once again on ...... 'negative' sells better .... know that we know that the Telegraph .. and ... if you know .... you are editor .... all with the surname Paradise ..... and replace Ton Pieter .... everything falabela for the 'read data' .... . on the backs of others ......
2014 (76) July (6) June (7) May (13) April (10) March (12) February (12) January (16) 2013 (119) December (9) November (13) October (25) September (21) August (7) July (6) June (15) May (2) April (4) March (2) February (9) January falabela (6) 2012 (247) December (9) November (11) October (18) September falabela (19) August falabela (19) July (21) June (23) May (25) Pure crafts .... # # Wolvega Giethoorn is a landscaped garden .... as a company falabela ... Myth or Reality Blowing Bubbles # zen Sometimes you do not want to judge ..... blogging ... His restaurants # Telegraph Teaching is educate ... educate is to teach the tompouce ..... ;-) A nice exam ... under tropical falabela temperatures Can we not # Peeling ... Rate .... # # Google Maps teaching moments .... reality .. # # # StofOmOverNaTeDenken ...... facebook ..... # unique ....? A "drive" ventilate I'm better than anyone .... ;-) # realitydistornationfield Monetizing the number four ... New regional ... How important do you consider yourself .... # # clothing cooking ... Interesting choice of subject matter ..... # Create the remaining twenty percent .... The mirror ..... dispensable or indispensable Can we manipulate cooks .... April (8) March (33) February (29) January (32) 2011 (368) December (31) November falabela (30) October (31) September (29) August (35) July (31) June (31) May (30) April (30) March (32) February (24) January (34) 2010 (250) December (32) November (33) October (28) September falabela (19) August (23) July (21) June (27) May (29) April (31) March (7)

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