Monday, December 9, 2013

KOSMOS aditya birla retail Bangladesh: exceeds aditya birla retail 400 dead from the building colla

KOSMOS aditya birla retail Bangladesh: exceeds aditya birla retail 400 dead from the building collapse At least 600 people have been reported missing on the eighth day after the accident and many corpses believed to have been submerged by the ruins.
The death toll from the eight-storey building collapse in Bangladesh rose to 413 as rescuers pulled aditya birla retail today and other corpses in the rubble, authorities said. At least 600 people have been reported missing on the eighth day after the accident and many corpses believed to have been submerged by the ruins. Hundreds of relatives of the workers reported missing anxiously awaiting developments in research remained at the point of collapse of the building was constructed without the appropriate licenses, in Savar, 25 km northwest of Dhaka on 24 April. At least 2,400 people were injured when crafts clothing, a bank and shops collapsed. Relatives have said at least 1,300 names missing to the police, but officials said the number could be lower as many names have been declared twice. The non-governmental National Labor Committee announced that the remains aditya birla retail found labels from international brands such as Joe Fresh Canadian company Loblaws Inc, the U.S. The Children 's Place and Cato Corp, British Primark and Papaya Denim, Spanish Vellilla among others. Bangladesh is under pressure to meet the international standards working mainly in the field of clothing, representing 70% of the profits of the State of export. On its part, the European Union expressed its deep concern about working conditions in Bangladesh after the collapse of the eight-hour building and stressed that considering measures aditya birla retail to improve working conditions, including the use of the system of trade preferences the EU The European Union is the largest trading partner of Bangladesh aditya birla retail and garments manufactured in crafts that were in the building which collapsed, supplying apparel companies in Europe and Canada. "The EU is directly suitable measures and through the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) offered in Bangladesh prime tariff treatment to the European market under the trade regime EBA (Everything But Arms) to encourage the responsible management supply chains that operate in developing countries, aditya birla retail "says the statement issued by the head of European diplomacy Catherine Ashton and European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht. Advertisement
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