Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The building had been warned but the greed of the bosses prevailed, forcing room and board outlet t

The building had been warned but the greed of the bosses prevailed, forcing room and board outlet the laborers and workers to enter the mass grave. While the previous day, the eight-Rana Plaza evacuated because of large cracks appeared in the walls and beams, on the morning of 24 April, employers of five crafts succeeded, with the threat of dismissal and salary cut, put around 3500 of the 5000 employees to work. It was not too long and the building collapsed like a column of cards, trapping the remains of over two thousand people. The last official report identified over 900 dead, hundreds missing and injured so many others, many of whom are multiple amputees.
Even for Bangladesh, in which massive room and board outlet civilian casualties is a not uncommon occurrence, the pro-carnage in Savar, room and board outlet the most deadly of similar past, shocked the entire country, has caused anger and angry reactions and became international news. Everything revealed after the tragedy, they have no originality. Once again, proved that the garment manufacturing room and board outlet industry on behalf of Western multinationals, who brings 70% of export revenue in the country, room and board outlet is an enterprise of death and brutal exploitation of millions of people. Mostly room and board outlet women have flocked from the countryside to urban centers, which, with salaries ranging from forty to eighty dollars a month, converted into slaves of the bosses in 3500 factories and manufactories employ about five million people. The Savar is the metropolis of this industry, with a long tradition in mass crimes employer, because of non-existent safety measures in buildings and machinery. Like most industrial buildings, the Rana Plaza erected without building permits, an area created by silting. The owner, Rana Mohammad Sochel that of bouncer room and board outlet was megaloergolavos and party leaders of the ruling room and board outlet party Awami League, was constructed using political connections. room and board outlet The case of Rana Sochel is not unique. Least thirty large garment industry owners are members of the national parliament, so that the intertwining of interests are inseparable between the scheme and employers.
"I'll pay fees beggars and kings will be buying room and board outlet quality" was the proverbial statement Amptoul room and board outlet mannan, room and board outlet textile minister in the early 1990s, when they began to arrive western clothing companies. The welcoming and generosity politician has now become a successful businessman, room and board outlet with at least twenty factories in the country and abroad. Thus, Bangladesh became a haven for big brands in Europe and North America, through subcontractors, incredibly cheap manufacture their products, taking advantage of the young workforce and crowded, full promiscuity and lack of legal rules and of course, cruel violence of the regime that guarantees the suppression of workers' resistance. Just a year ago, in April 2012, was found dead after horrific torture, one of the leaders of the trade union movement in clothing, the Aminoul Islam. The killers, who probably come from the police, continue to walk free.
Rescue workers and journalists who rushed to the ruins of Rana Plaza was not hard to find, among the lifeless bodies of workers, number of labels Western multinationals meant to be sewn clothes unfinished. Between them, the Canadian Joe Fresh-Loblaw and English Primark, which saw to relinquish their responsibilities. They control the working conditions inside the building but had not crossed your mind to consider the statics of the building! Post on websites room and board outlet announcements sympathy and crash tragedy and promised, in general terms, how to compensate victims. He clarified, however, that they do not think to stop ordering clothing from Bangladesh, since this would be a disaster for the poor people. At the same time, the country's prime minister and head of the mafia who run it continuously since the time of independence, Sheikh Hasina, in an interview to Christiane Amanpour of CNN, as promised, that the guilty will be punished, defended the good investment climate in country and claimed that everywhere in the world can such accidents happen! A ten factories, room and board outlet Government decision, shut down, shared promises hard checks and sewing machines began again to work around the clock in the sweatshops of Savar. Capitalism needs very often human sacrifices to grow, as the old gods, to mitigate their anger.
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