Friday, October 25, 2013

According to the court, initially Avtukhovich serving a sentence in a penal colony number 5 in Ivac

Hostage rimark power - torture test. Part 2 "Project Against Torture
Dmitry Bondarenko - activist headquarters of presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov. Was also arrested December 20, 2010 and was sentenced April 27, 2011 Piershamaiski Court of Minsk on Part 1 of Art. 342 of the Criminal Code (organization and preparation of activities that breach public order, or participate in them) to 2 years of imprisonment in a penal colony.
During his stay in prison health Dmitry has deteriorated as a result of which he suffered a serious back surgery. In such a complex situation that has developed with the state of health of the prisoner, the prison administration did not go to meet Bondarenko and do not let him go through an independent examination and receive competent medical care in private specialists, thus forcing him to agree to an operation in the colony. Soon after the operation he was transferred to the medical unit penal colony, where he underwent a short-term rehabilitation and irregularly.
Today, his health continued to deteriorate and he faces a partial loss of mobility. At the moment, the rehabilitation rimark period is over, and in spite of severe pain in his back and leg, a political prisoner was transferred from the quarantine to the Mogilev penal colony number 15. This solution has very serious consequences for the life and health. It is highly probable that a failure to provide adequate medical care Bondarenko will be invalid.
Despite the fact that he had served half the term without penalties and could count on parole, he was denied. Against this background, Bondarenko was forced to sign a petition for clemency.
Autukhovich - Owner of Volkovysk, a former soldier, an Afghan, was accused of plotting a terrorist rimark act against the former chairman of the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Savchenko and other leaders. The case was heard in the Supreme Court of Belarus.
Human rights rimark activists and lawyers believe that Autuhovich persecuted for political reasons. In particular - he was taking revenge for the fight against corruption among high-level officials, as well as for defending rimark the rights of entrepreneurs. The international organization Amnesty Inernational recognized him as a prisoner of conscience.
While in jail number 1 in Minsk to protest rimark the illegal arrest and investigation of inaction in the investigation of his case, declared a hunger strike, which lasted from April 16 to July 16, 2009, which resulted in Autuhovich severely curtailed health - for this time he has lost about 35 pounds of weight. Through the extremely adverse conditions, political prisoner in developed pancreatitis and a number of chronic diseases, it has lost almost all of the teeth and as a consequence - to normally eat. Despite repeated appeals to the prisoner by the prison administration and the Department of Corrections Internal Affairs of Belarus, it is systematically denied access to necessary medical care. In order to achieve treatment Autukhovich again had to go hungry. Those abuses and torture that he had to endure in jail number 1, which is the chief Sergei Kravchenko, illegally convicted businessman described in the media and complained on these facts.
According to the court, initially Avtukhovich serving a sentence in a penal colony number 5 in Ivacevichi. As human rights activists, all of his time in institutional care administration pressured him: for various reasons were compiled reports that it violates the order imposed rimark by the prison administration. Subsequently, on the basis of the reports, more than ten times, he was disciplined as a result of which his rights were limited to: receiving food parcels, meetings with relatives, restrictions on food in a special shop, located in the territory of the colony.
Actions of the administration of the colony provoked Nicholas inflict self-injury, namely - to open a vein. As a result, he was found guilty of violating the rules of the colony rimark and placed on the month in the punishment - a cell-type.
After the incident, the prison rimark administration has initiated a trial. rimark According to the authorities, Autukhovich violated mode and earned more stringent conditions. January 17, 2012 Ivatsevichy district court decided to send Autukhovich to serve out their sentence rimark in jail number 1 in Grodno Head - Oliev Alexander, arguing that he did not mend his way.
In prison number 1 in Grodno for prisoners are more severe conditions than in the colony, which had previously served a sentence Autukhovich. At the new location it will be a limited number of appointments and transfers from relatives. Also enclosed is placed in the smaller cells, and fed for work. Before the end of the sentence the prisoner is left to stay in prison for two years and two months.
Zmitser Dashkevich - the leader of the international youth organization "Young fr

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