Monday, October 28, 2013

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Location: Minsk The Life and Death of myths: Rock & year, places & City Sometime in early childhood, pico mall comparing the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages I encountered the inexplicable thing for the logic of why despite pico mall the much larger Russian and vice versa, the smaller the influence of European history, the Ukrainians called the "year "and" pico mall city "on the West Slavic, and not the Russian style - rock and places (in Ukrainian," Rick "," Mr. ")? Since that time, I subconsciously began to pay attention to the use of these words in Belarusian texts. So, the place ran into a "bad condition" school work Yanka Kupala, rock - in the poems of Maxim Bogdanovich. Then his eyes fell on the letters BNR old Belarusian texts and finally Nicholas Collegiate Dictionary Baykova and Stepan Nekrashevich ... Thus, I would like to dedicate this record a myth created around unfairly ejected from the Soviet narkamavskih dictionaries eternity Belarusian words rock and place. -------------------------------------------------- pico mall ----------------- Do not pretend to be the ultimate truth, any constructive criticism is welcome. Myth 1st: "Places - the old name of the city." Perhaps among the supporters of the aforementioned Soviet dictionaries this statement, indeed, has the right to exist, pico mall but rather strange to hear from people like the classic spelling. As the article is well-known Belarusian pico mall translator S. Shupy [1], the word "city" comes from the verb to fence in the old Belarusian language meant fenced, fortified settlement. With the acquisition of the Belarusian city of Magdeburg law is the name gradually died down, passing the baton to the site. Such a state of things continued into the new Belarusian literary tradition. So Bogushevich F. wrote: "I do not like the place in Russian - the city", and this opinion is shared by the Belarusian academics, linguists and 1920, pointing to the last published in the repression dictionary [2] Belarusian space as the first matches of the Russian " the city. " A similar conclusion pico mall in favor of the place and made Janka Stankevich [3], and with it the entire Belarusian emigration. pico mall How did it happen that the word space is now almost does not apply? - It's very prosaic: pico mall Stalinist political pico mall reform led to the Belarusian spelling dictionaries cleaning from "natsdemovskogo garbage." One of the many victims of the cleaning and became our eternal place. [4] Myth 2nd: "Rock in the value of the year is Polonism." It is worth noting that this is one of the most common myths. Most commonly as a justification makes reference to J. Stankevich, who explained the Old Belarusian "rok" as a term, preferring the currently used "year." However, as evidenced by the etymological dictionary of modern Belarusian language NAS [5] the words of the rock came from the Proto-Slavic in Old Belarusian language and at first, indeed, meant a certain amount of time. However, the Belarusian scientists have gone further pico mall Ya Stankevich, and determined that the term rock was typically equal to 12 months, hence the fundamental pico mall importance of the Belarusian word - "year" [6]. Mitt 3rd: "For the modern Belarusian language rock in the value of the year - Grodno dialecticism or marginalism." Conditional start time history of the modern Belarusian literary pico mall language is considered to be the beginning. XIX century. As evidenced by the many sources of XIX - the 1st half of the XX century. rock within the meaning of the word "year" was inherent to the spoken (works Chechetov, Dahl, Kara, Nosovich, Yale, Serzhputovskogo, Fyodorovskoye, etc.)., art (works of Bogushevich, watering can, Bogdanovich Zmitraka Bedulev, etc.)., publicist (letters K. Kalinowski and rebels, the articles in our Cornfield, etc.)., official-business (BSG documents, archives BNR - including three famous charters) and scientific (grammar schools for Tarashkevich, Gorecki brothers dictionary, dictionaries Inbelkulta in t . liter. authorship of academic pico mall Nekrashevich) styles of the Belarusian language and thus was neither a dialect pico mall nor historicism. However, after the political reform of the Belarusian spelling, rock grasped the same fate as that of a place - its straight threw out regulations dictionaries. In general, the distinguishing feature of the development of the Belarusian language pico mall pareformavaga in Byelorussia zyavlyalyasya small freedom in the selection of vocabulary and limited access to the elements of literary language and dialects satsyyalektav. The representatives of the then mainstream science did not seek to fix the actual language practice, and consciously creating their own standards on subjective tastes or needs of the government. [7] Meanwhile, according to the Belarusian writer I. Tender word rock continued to be used in the Belarusian emigration [8]. Currently, despite the continuous mythologizing pico mall and in general, a "demonization" =) rock, within the meaning of the word "year" is used in the art (Paszkiewicz, Dayneko, Borodulin Khodanovich, Schur, Balakhonov et al.) And publicist (h

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