Sunday, October 20, 2013

I can not help but recall a favorite quote from the

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On Sunday I was at Grushevka - a couple king of prussia mall map of times a year I make myself a gift. This time Grushevka was inundated with snow up to their roofs, but the snow was not quite, and the tips of twigs their shrill sharp contrast to the night sky, deep blue at the zenith and pale pink closer to the ground. This gave the whole landscape similarities with the Japanese prints, elegant and a little desolate. Trifling purely compositional, because you can not name a wasteland evening frosty weather, even with the new moon in the bargain. Throw in a barely audible creak of snow, as well as the local sweet smell of smoke when burning stoves are not coal, and wood or briquettes, and you have a winter idyll that is localized in the space between the "Rose" and Railway Street. king of prussia mall map
I am drawn to Grushevka as before, as a child, was drawn to the old Komarovka, on the border which was our five-story building and where we are, preschoolers, did not allow himself to go. Later, at school age, when Komarovka is gone, I just pulled into the maze of streets and alleys of endless selhozposelkov. We drove out there the night before a bike, each time sinking deeper and deeper, like fish in a network have not yet received a penny from the local thugs, which, as it happens, and later became friends. Minsk suburb, until recently, were not safe walking area. Risk and mystery were probably the first place among the reasons why we, teenagers, drawn there. A certain mystery, privacy, seclusion and beckon me now. There's a lot of sky, and it is close - clings to the tops of the trees. king of prussia mall map
I like the enclosed space, as in a forest or a labyrinth, when the streets king of prussia mall map are not linear, residential districts, and entered in relief or paved paths along the routes of the old-entrances to the city. This was traced to the streets Storozhovtsy and partly on Komarovka. Grushevka has residential districts, but the side streets perpendicular to the Railway, Razin and Grushevskyi located king of prussia mall map with Fills, they do not have a long-term perspective - and it also has the effect of chamber enclosed space. Adds intimacy and scale of which is set trees: they are dominant, and the main reference point in case you get lost. Trees generous grades - maples, oaks, linden, hornbeam king of prussia mall map - mainly grow closer to the street, next to the house. Home, and so are relatively small next to these giants look even smaller than it actually is. The person feels on a scale rustic and organic, and not as a gnat in the district.
Sometimes, when the lack of space on both sides of the street soot alley. On Komarovka on Broad Street and the surrounding side streets were chestnut avenue for Grushevka still have poplar. With a relatively small width of the carriageway those green tunnels look monumental and give the streets a unique charm and appeal. And, apparently, the main wealth of our suburbs, they feature - gardens. Apple, cherry, plum, pear occupy a large part of their territory, king of prussia mall map sometimes Sadokho can find old varieties that few have survived and are living artifacts. They require fixation and preservation. Trees and all other homestead flora produce oxygen, and the air here is another - even in the heat of fresh, king of prussia mall map thick and fragrant. Metropolis need these recreational areas.
I can not help but recall a favorite quote from the "Geography of Belarus" authorship Arcadia Smolitsch: "And if you get on that of the towers that rise above the high ground, then the eye will open wide view of Minsk and its suburbs. At first glance, the whole space, occupied by them, looks like a large garden. But looking more closely, we will see in the flooded houses Sadokho deravlyanyya Minsk middle class. The same houses, deravlyanymi surrounded by garden and front garden, and built up a large part of the large space occupied Minsk. " Smolich wrote these words in 1919, but for a long time remained Minsk like this garden city. And not just Minsk - Belarus and other cities, too. This is their feature that is preserved in fragments until the end of the twentieth king of prussia mall map century.
Preserved, not because stored, but because king of prussia mall map there was not enough money to destroy and build new housing. Residents of private homes, in part minchane not in the first generation lived for decades with no amenities in anticipation of crossing, and the landscape of the suburbs king of prussia mall map almost did not change, only grew vvyshki trees and roof sags. It would be logical to use the situation and save what's left, especially since there are very few. Of course, this requires the regeneration of detailed, multilateral and integrated approach. It is also understood that the city government is easier to sell the land for commercial development than the contact that has never before on

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