Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Especially with services like next-day beads and beyond delivery to make many online stores offer t

Dusseldorf, 13.08.2013 - time just order the smartphone from Amazon, beads and beyond the current favorite book of the author or have it delivered via app dinner - shopping with the mobile terminal is in Germany increasingly common. According to a study commissioned by Festool in order FORSA representative study of 1,000 German smartphone users on mobile commerce, already 29 percent of respondents have used their smartphone for shopping. The new survey is part of the Mobile Life Index: Under Festool is now polls around the mobile life in Germany available, and are thus an overview of the actual use of mobile internet behavior.
Note value result of Mobile Commerce Survey: Men have 34 percent ahead in mobile shopping - for women it is only 24 percent. However, is less surprising is the age structure of the users. Nearly half of those who buy mobile is between 25 and 34 years old. Are far ahead in the favor of smart shoppers like the websites of online stores - 72 percent of smart shoppers have already ordered something here with your smartphone, be it clothing, electronics and even food. In second place, then follow with 53 percent of the participants, the digital downloads such as music or apps. Special shopping apps also share with 53 percent, the silver podium with the downloads. Not very common, however, is the purchase by QR-code, where the goods are scanned and paid for with the mobile phone, such as PayPal. This type of shopping use, according to the survey, six percent. However: now give three percent of respondents said that they have already beads and beyond bought something on the NFC chip on the smartphone - so with her cell phone instead of a debit or credit card payment.
Especially with services like next-day beads and beyond delivery to make many online stores offer their customers, beads and beyond which is much more relaxed than to purchase the desired goods on site. So it's no surprise that media such as books, DVDs, games or music are on the list of mobile purchases with 69 percent far ahead. Provider with a clear mobile website, a dedicated shopping app and fast delivery service have a clear advantage. beads and beyond
Nearly half of smartphone shoppers in Germany has ever been arrived at electronics and hardware (46 percent). Scarcely less popular in the smartphone are clothes and shoes - 44 percent beads and beyond of respondents said they have shopped in this area ever mobile phone. Women are here with 51 percent front. In the free time it may also easily the Germans, including tickets to events are popular with a smartphone. One in four respondents said that they have already purchased tickets in this way. But delivery services are on the rise - 21 percent of respondents said they also use them via smartphone. Tickets for the German train or public transport are almost as high at 19 percent in the course.
Dealers are increasingly using the opportunity to make the users with GPS function of their smartphones attention to special offers or promotions. About a third of the respondents is open-minded about this service, five percent beads and beyond have even used it. Yet here dexterity is required on the part of traders: Also about a third of all respondents the possibility of such services are indeed conscious, but they categorically reject - they feel rather annoyed when they can see a benefit. The situation is similar in advertising on smartphones - 34 percent feel less or equally disturbed on their phone as on their PC, however are 47 percent, advertising on the mobile device as much as Sone on through pop-ups or banners a computer.
Although 89 percent of respondents according to information beads and beyond has not changed the buying behavior and only one percent of respondents indicating more shopping in physical retail outlets, since they own a smartphone, beads and beyond the device features and the offline beads and beyond shopping have arrived. A third of Germans beads and beyond use the phone in the store to compare prices, 19 percent see before buying the product beads and beyond business valuations.
Information asset - the Germans want to know more and more what they are buying because actually: Nutrition, country of origin or details about the company concerned is one in six before buying online or via their smartphone barcode scanner app. To find interesting shops for they use 15 percent the radius search and navigation of the phone, coupons for use smartphones only eleven percent.
"Meanwhile, 37 percent beads and beyond of Germans have a smartphone - also because beads and beyond hardly any other devices on the market," beads and beyond said Nic

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