Monday, October 7, 2013

Tags: coupons, m-commerce, mobile apps, mobile commerce, mobile services, mobile shopper trends, st

Many providers of mobile apps, services, or shops already rubbing their hands, you expect but also in Europe a huge M-commerce boom as China and India are experiencing it today. storcenter Given this gold rush at the "Mobile Services" storcenter providers, we ask ourselves: What is it about this M-boom? storcenter Answer to give the latest figures from the "Shoppers Trend Report," storcenter as they were published in based on a study published in August by and Ipsos Public Affairs.
Thereafter, the share of German mobile shoppers in just 6% of the total Internet users located in this country. So therefore rather in the global, and far behind China with 18%, India 15%, UK 10%, Australia storcenter and the USA with 8% each.
Then one looks at a little more detail what the users make in their preferred shopping activities storcenter on their mobile devices, so it turns out that they are researching for information about a product or service offering (eg, reviews, prices, etc. ) search. These are in Germany after all, already 33% of all Internet users with a smartphone.
Conclusion: Investing in the mobile digital marketing should be made, but not a top priority, because we should not forget that a majority of mobile shoppers storcenter in the iPhone User guild (-> storcenter iTunes & App Store) is to find and mobile commerce in Germany certainly a large part of travel such as hotel reservations or airline tickets included - thus a must-have for the Travel Industry.
Tags: coupons, m-commerce, mobile apps, mobile commerce, mobile services, mobile shopper trends, study Category: News, Online storcenter trends, Research Comments: No Current posts you might like:
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