Tuesday, October 29, 2013

even if they laugh, then many a true word is spoken in jest ;) actually, I do not think there is a

Come to mind different thoughts, that you propose to reflect ... and laugh: "Socialism is a political games stores system in which heroically overcoming problems ... are not known in any other state system" And then just remember Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote 170 years ago (I quote from memory): "Take some do not suitable and intrusive tax and trace its origins, always turn out that it appeared about a hundred years ago to appease some small financial needs of the state - and had never been canceled. " And now something from the category of "funny and true", the public authorities on the example of the "three cows" (use and share [with a note on the source ;)] - Maoism: I have three cows, the state will take away their kills and divides the meat is at all - Communism: I have three cows, their state will be taken to the farm .. where they die - National Socialism: I have three cows, the state will take two and exchanges them for weapons - Fascism: I have three cows, the state sets a maximum price of milk on which I can sell it, and the cows prydyalyae special numbers that I could not them illegally to eat - Socialism: I have three cows, the state forcibly take away my milk, which I can later purchase in the public store for coupons - Social-Democracy: games stores my three cows, the government takes my milk money from my taxes and gives the gift of a schools where children poured it down the toilet - a caring nation: I have three cows, one is forced to sell in order to have enough to pay taxes on the last two - Evrasatsyyalizm: I have three cows, the state tells me one kill cows for many - and second, because neighbor's cow is sick FMD - Capitalism: I have three cows, sell one and buy a bull! (C) :-))))) games stores
Capitalism - garbage! because, as I Najera bull?? :) And the kids are not able to pour the milk in school, and maybe someone will drink yet?
Capitalism leads to the narrow-minded and consumer lifestyle ... where the important games stores role played by money, around which everything revolves. really modern rapper only glory and loot for? in this situation the place of protest games stores can not be, unfortunately: (
You do not stsebaeshsya? I think you're kidding. Throw my rap, that's another thing, do not we talk about it. Look, man is created for the consumer way of life, otherwise we would be dying of starvation. Money is only a means to zdeysvannya their dreams. Not on here today or former rappers. The protest may be against contempt, robbery, and fraud is called socialism.
even if they laugh, then many a true word is spoken in jest ;) actually, I do not think there is a good or a bad system. Each has its drawbacks. In our country, there was neither capitalism nor socialism in its pure form, so to speak, that some of these systems are 100% correct almost correct, I would not because I do not live with them, but I feel that here and there the problems a lot! By the way, as there are no good politicians. They are all bastards. only someone can get power and retain it (in various ways), and some do not ... you might think that I am an anarchist but ... :) Well, I do not share their views on the nation, patriotism, sexism, etc. gamafibizma But, in many ways anarchy and punk right. here. And why are you so strongly games stores against socialism?
Opa! What does it mean dramatically. And has always been opposed to socialism, communism, statism datum. I am a liberal, conservative, or libertarian, and as long as he can remember he was. In our country, statism and socialism is a form of statism, that we have a look and learn how not to do. Although I thought the people behind the communist learned that this lath! Capitalism but there is in other countries, enjoy their experience on health. Good policy is, and they usually libertarians, socialists and pigs. Now I explain socialism skantruavany so that when it is a lot krasts develops corruption, as all the money passed through the hands of politicians. Liberalizm establishes that the state should not intervene games stores in the economy. Reduce taxes datum. So these people are not interested in that nakrastsisya. Simple logic. Of course it is not 100% successful, but even if you take into account the statistics is clear. And of the good politicians I would point out: Abraham Lincoln, Washington, and several other long-presidents whom I have just do not want to transfer. Of new young I loved Mart Laar, Prime Minister of Estonia in the period 2. I like his words (which he applied in practice, for which he was elected two times): "To reform have been successful, it is necessary to do them quickly games stores and immediately. At the beginning is always difficult. games stores Often these reforms people do not support, because he is afraid. Even if as a result of this, the Government is not popular, and even he was thrown, and so the most important thing that the edge has changed for the better. And the government does not matter, games stores the main thing is done. Looking back we can say it was a dirty job, but somebody has to its was performed. train, who scored the speed is not delayed. And it's games stores the only thing that this really is. " (C) Mart Laar
In my opinion,

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