Thursday, October 17, 2013

The tablet is more often the device of choice: in 2012 had only 11.9 percent of study participants

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A good 30 percent of the users already buy a mobile - preferably about shopping applications. The study shows the effects of mobile Tomorrow Focus Media. There are significant differences between women and men.
For the ninth time released Tomorrow Focus Media, the Mobile Effects Study. This shows that over 30 percent of mobile users shop now, mostly about the apps of the various providers. Women are more active in mobile shopping than men, the best-selling products in both sexes Books: outlet mall These have been 53.3 percent of women and 39.9 percent of men purchased online for women's clothing is also very much in trend (50.2 percent ), whereas men make their travel especially like mobile (36.2 percent) or buy electrical appliances (35.4 percent) outlet mall and DVDs / CDs (35 percent). About one-third of mobile Internet users can imagine outlet mall shopping in the future about their smartphone or tablet.
Almost outlet mall one in five uses the Internet via a mobile device already common as a PC or laptop. The respondents indicate that they have so easier and faster outlet mall access to the Internet outlet mall and use is also more convenient and easier. Particularly strong are smartphones and tablets 17-20 clock, so used on the way home from work. This is also reflected in the preamble to the user for the use of mobile outlet mall devices: in addition time saving pastime is the most frequently mentioned reason.
The tablet is more often the device of choice: in 2012 had only 11.9 percent of study participants a tablet PC, there are currently already 17.6 percent and rising. In every fourth household that has a tablet, two or more devices are already available. outlet mall A third of respondents also stated that the tablet for it has the same value as the smartphone. Compared to the smartphone, which is mainly used for communication, but the tablet is mainly for surfing and writing e-mails and to track daily news.
The parallel outlet mall use of media is increasing. As indicated 42.5 percent of respondents to use smartphones or tablets parallel to the TV. Only one in five employed on the so-called Second Screen with TV content. The other surf mainly in general (65.4 percent) or write e-mails (58.6 percent). Who uses a digital medium while the TV program, this used more in the commercial break (39.5 percent) than during the broadcast (7.7 percent). Only 24.2 percent of users surveyed are of the opinion that the TV program is shifting more and more into the background by Second screens.
The Mobile Effects Study is conducted twice a year. For the ninth survey 4,107 people in Tomorrow Focus Media Network for mobile Internet usage and parallel to 459 people were interviewed via iPad targeting.
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