Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Startup Store Love (, founded in July 2012 as a shopping catalog for the iPad

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The Startup Store Love (, founded in July 2012 as a shopping catalog for the iPad by Hendrik Brown, Maximilian and Timo Beller derta Trumpp, wins in the latest round of financing in addition to the existing investors as well as new digital farmer to financier. As German startups reported, the total investment is a seven, of indeterminate amount. The media house builder has been rather behave as an investor in the startup scene is active, the only known previously came investment benefit in 2009.
Display Store Love, whose design has similarities with Flipboard and Pinterest, now bringing out an iPhone version of the app. To the existing investors include venture stars, the incubator of Stefan derta Pfannmöller, as well as Florian Calmbach and Martin Junker, Conny from Mountain Partners, Yachtico-founder Ron Hillmann, Patrick Sturm and Michael mosquito mosquito & Storm Company and Madvertise - and Trademob-founder Richard Malley.
Cynthia Verena Castritius 2013 is member of the founding editorial scene since June. After her master's degree in theater and film studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, she sniffed the air as the first startup founders intern.
Ron Hillmann
U.S. short trip Philipp Rösler in Silicon Valley
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