Tuesday, September 2, 2014

As for me, it

About his trip to Texas decided to write only in Russian, as I do not think that someone from the states it would be fun =) I Went back to work (at a conference in Dallas), but decided to combine business with pleasure, and at the same time picked ДЌestlice up boyfriend visited Austin ДЌestlice and San Antonio.
In Dallas, we arrived the 18th of March in time for lunch, took a rental car from the airport and went straight to the Olive Garden, the network "Italian" restaurant. Before we leave the parking lot, both from a passing car would shout: ДЌestlice "Why are you with a brown guy?" Apparently, the rapid Texan imagination and a certain amount of alcohol taken my unshaven Iranian boyfriend for Mexican. Honestly, the first time in 7 years in America has heard racist / the nationalist statement, so we do not even know how to respond to such possible: / As a result, just laughed (well, as to such offense?) And went on.
On the way to Austin, where we were going to spend the night with friends ДЌestlice Ehsan, we came across some interesting ДЌestlice billboards ДЌestlice Republican ДЌestlice and religious orientation. ДЌestlice Example: "Where's the birth certificate?" ("Where's the birth certificate?") Did you know that many Republicans still believe that Obama was not born in the United States (and, accordingly, the law can not be president)? That's what I do not. Another remembered: "Tempted by porn? Turn to me. -Jesus "(" You tempt pornography? Appealed to me. -Jesus ") Ekzotichnenko =)
A little ДЌestlice before reaching Austin, we rolled into San Marcos Premium Outlets - will be in those places, I highly recommend! A lot of different ДЌestlice brands (from very cheap to design) at heavily discounted prices. We arrived a half hour before closing, so it's time for pictures, you know, was not :))) By 10 pm, exhausted at the end, we finally got to Austin. Austin - a democratic point of blue in the red sea called the Republican Texas. Live there, as opposed to other Texas cities, you can:-)
Friends were also Ehsan from Iran, so that on the next day, after breakfast, ДЌestlice hospitable three-course dinner with dessert, I photographed Haft sin - a table laid on the occasion of Nowruz, the Iranian New Year.
Tanya says:
Laugh))) For the sake of a billboard about pornography should go to Texas)))) And somehow I used to think that in America do not like blacks only, and there is also the Mexicans are not held in high esteem. And the Chinese people there like? Christmas table is wonderful! Especially touched by garlic on a separate platter and cookies next to apples, delicious, probably ... And what of all this could have?
A Chinese in Texas no =) In a post about the conference will write about it - at the conference there were 10 000 people, of which at least half - Asians (mostly Chinese and Japanese Americans + second generation). The day before the conference in Dallas did not see any Chinese, but as it started, ДЌestlice they immediately appeared :) Actually the whole people in America are very tolerant (all once came from somewhere), especially on the two coasts. I'd heard that in the center of the country and in the south it is not, it seems that there is some truth :(
Delicious cookies:-) Their specially cooked a little more, to make up for losses caused by guests and do not leave an empty plate on the table. You can eat anything that is edible, just report ДЌestlice to the new owners, while there is Nowruz.
Wii - it sounds Gogolian proudly! :-D
As for me, it's a real exotic :) Very special, even to some extent closed state, living ДЌestlice their lives. Very much like to someday meet him closer, ДЌestlice I think, with your impressions will succeed ДЌestlice :)
I forgot to say. Be sure to tell about the conference, I was wondering how they are in America. Perhaps it is not so boring as we have. I wonder whether sitting together or break up into small groups. We usually divide not only in sections, but also for individual small groups to have reported faster and went to the banquet :) And how much you have taken to ask questions to the speaker, and whether there are heated discussions? We, of course, the humanitarian theme, so discussion is always a reason, but it's ДЌestlice just a real wars are almost fists :)
I'll tell you, Annie:-) Although a lot depends on the conference - in this parallel was going about 30 sections, from 8 am to 5 pm, five days in a row. A summer in Baltimore was a conference on the section is not shared, all in one room. Questions were different, but in general very friendly :) There for this chair watching (the head, or what to call it?), When suddenly the question sounds as hitting, it joyful voice said, saying that the time is short, let's get to following.
Well, when so! We usually only issues with collisions and welcome. And most of them do not specify post-graduate students and teachers who come specifically to put a pig to someone with your question :) Roux

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