Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Japan for organizing the state began to take shape at the beginning of the eighth century: 710 in N

Japan for organizing the state began to take shape at the beginning of the eighth century: 710 in Nara was established the first independent Japanese capital. Until then, after the emperor's death in each of the next ruler's residence was moved to another location. Japan, which takes a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, was relatively isolated from the rest of the world for quite a long time. 6th century Japan borrowed many ideas from your neighbor - China. It took Chinese Buddhism and the Chinese Empire system of government. But 200 years later, China's influence declined, and the imperial power became increasingly weaker. Until the 1867th The Emperor, on behalf rite aid store hours of Japan's management of the strongest family and sjoguni (military chiefs). Invasions in Japan rarely been successful. 13th the Mongols tried, but were repulsed. European traders in the 16th century attempts were unsuccessful. But in 1868, Japan began to look to the West. Fifty years it has established a great empire with a strong rite aid store hours and modern economy. It was all destroyed the 2nd World War (1939-1945). However, Japan bounced back and today has one of the strongest and richest countries. After just six years ago, in September 1951, Japan signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty with 48 countries, but in April next year, this agreement comes into force, once again became an independent, sovereign state.
1868- "Meidzi ISIN" or popular revolution restore the imperial power.
1603.gadā Leyasu of the Tokugawa family becomes sjogunu. His dynasty reigns in Japan until sjogunāna overthrow rite aid store hours in 1868. Leyasu prohibit Christian faith, introduced Sat. Francis Zevjers. Foreigners are expelled and communications with the outside world.
After the Second World War, Japan began a new life as a peaceful democratic state. In 1956, joined the United Nations, Japan to participate rite aid store hours in the endeavor to maximize the organization rite aid store hours in different areas - Security Council, Economic and Social Council, as well as many other institutions, committees, etc.. With regard to financial support, the Japanese contributions to the UN budget in 1990 by volume (11%) took second place just behind the United States (20%).
Relations with the People's Republic of China were normalized in 1972 the two countries signed a "Treaty of peace and friendship." For many years, Japan maintained a diverse range of contacts with Taiwan, Republic of China, but at the end of 1992, the Japanese government announced that it would cease diplomatic relations with Taiwan, Republic of China, so as to preserve the established other forms of cooperative ties.
Forests cover 67% (25 million hectares) of Japan's territory. It is the main source from which to obtain building materials and most of the wood needed for paper production. However, more and more and more in Japan imported a variety of timber. If wood imports in 1965 amounted to 28.65% of the national volume required, then in 1990 this figure grew to 73.6%. Thus, Japan has become the largest purchasers of global timber markets, and timber import volume is second only to crude oil. The main timber suppliers are the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, Canada and the Philippines. Maybe Latvia reasonably proud of its timber industry, especially furniture, to find a certain place in the Japanese market.
Once a thriving industry in Japan was coal mining. But it began to collapse in the sixties. Then a relatively cheap oil imports made coal mine operation unprofitable. 1960 had more than 600 mines with annual rite aid store hours output reached 55 million tons. But in 1970 all over Japan worked rite aid store hours there were only 11 major shafts, and it fell to the co-production of 16 million tonnes. After this failure markedly increased the number of unemployed.
Much more stable situation observed in the Japanese automobile industry. In 1991 the 11 companies accounted for 13.5 million passenger, bus and truck, rite aid store hours ie, more than any other country. This popular farm industry in Japan is very robotic, but it by giving 10% of all industrial output still working 1.27 million people, ie 3% of Japan's working population.
Japanese electronics are the most stable and visplaukstošākā industry. It developed very fast pace. Japan has always been among the countries that quickly introduces the production of leading-edge scientific and technological achievements.
Transport. In Japan it is possible to use any means of transport of the bike up to the world's fastest electric trains in 1976 completely replaced the steam locomotives. Only a few local lines for the pleasure of tourists still retained the ancient train. Japan's rail lines have a total length 26,099 km, and through them on a daily driven 28000 train.
In large cities, transport is provided electric trains, rite aid store hours buses and taxis. The tramway has remained only in Hiroshima. Trolleybuses in Japan not gained a lot of acceptance. Eight cities - Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kobe, Yokohama, Sapporo, Kyoto and Fukuoka - built subway lines.

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