Thursday, September 25, 2014

John Street Ventspils museum in the basement of the existing water level had reached about 40 centi

Ventspils on Thursday due to persistent rain submerged some educational institutions southglenn movie theater and museum agency BNS learned the State Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS).
Ventspils 1.pamatskolā told that the school southglenn movie theater flooded basement, which housed wardrobe and other facilities. The water level had reached about 30 centimeters. Also Ventspils Secondary School No.6 flooded basement - wardrobes and storage.
Livonian Order Castle flooded basement exhibition southglenn movie theater hall and had to move some exhibits, the museum said Ventspils Management Division Manager Gatis Grigalis. However, southglenn movie theater he pointed out that this is not the first time that after heavy rain flooded the palace premises.
John Street Ventspils museum in the basement of the existing water level had reached about 40 centimeters, threatening exposure. From this room the water was pumped through two VUGD motor power pump and one of the museum, reports LETA. Currently, all the water that was in the basement of the museum, has already been pumped out, and the exposure is not compromised because of the SFRS staff here have gone away.
According to the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre southglenn movie theater Ventspils data within two hours rainfall reached 53 millimeters per square meter. "It's as if 15 days in a row would be rained steadily. Cities of drainage and storm water drainage system is unable to discharge the amount of water. Hence submerged individual institutions, residential buildings, as well as the street," said Puriņš.
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