Sunday, September 28, 2014

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is routinely used for the mass screening of prostate cancer. Lately

YTB-prtsc searching and treat you when they do not need? Dr. Machine Guns analyzes the excessive spending in medicine. This article deals with the phenomenon predijagnosticiranja and lists the most frequently unnecessary medical procedures.
Have you had blood cholesterol, it is hyperlipidemia; if pressure is normal, it's about prehypertension. Do you have a bone is likely to osteopenia, and you have the skin you are in the risk group for melanoma.
In recent sear outlet years we have witnessed a growing trend of review and critique of modern medicine because of the visible sear outlet damage produced by the sick and the healthy. Scientific papers proving the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of numerous diagnostic sear outlet and therapeutic procedures sear outlet that are insufficiently explored and evaluated introduced sear outlet into clinical practice. They order the publication - special issues of journals, such as the British Medical Journal titled Too Much Medicine, and professional books with titles Overtreated, sear outlet How we do harm, Overdosed America, Selling sickness, overdiagnosed, sear outlet The cholesterol myths, Le mythe de l'Osteoporos. .. sprang sear outlet projects and initiatives such as the American Choosing Wisely and Less is more. All problematize new phenomena of modern medicine, for which they were created and new concepts - overdose, preliječenje and predijagnosticiranje.
Launched by a group of critical scholars and organized by several prominent institutions, in September 2013, the first international sear outlet symposium on predijagnosticiranju (1). What was presented at the meeting, but the atmosphere and the enthusiasm of the participants give reason to believe that he created a new project and a movement that will significantly mark the development of medicine in the next period, and unlike the technological "breakthroughs" and "achievements" that often not be to the benefit of patients and for the benefit of the integrity of doctors and medicine sear outlet as a profession.
But the laity will primarily interested in what is predijagnosticiranje on which areas of medicine most often. About predijagnosticiranju talking when people are no complaints diagnosed with a "disorder", even though they it will not create any disturbance, nor will it die earlier. One area where this is happening is screening.
Screening (screening) is the search for disease at an early stage when they do not generate clinical sear outlet symptoms. The most common are tumors. Mammography screening for breast cancer was introduced in the national preventive programs of many countries; X-ray recording is recommended for women once in 1-2 years. However, Swedish scientists found that the decline in mortality rates from breast cancer in this country decades uniform; concluded that mammography screening had no effect on mortality from the disease (2). Systematic reviews sear outlet have shown that the benefits of screening in doubt - the one published in 2013 demonstrated that in the period of 13 years the effect on prolonging the life of a properly performed research, it was not until the methodologically weaker studies of the effect was modest. At the same time the number of false positives was very high. Summary of all available and analyzed study says that for every 2000 women invited for mammography for ten years, one to avoid death from breast cancer. At the same time, 10 healthy women will be treated unnecessarily, and 200 agitated because of false positive findings (3). Or, as shown in another sear outlet way, the women in their fifties mammography screening will be for ten years to reduce the probability of death from breast sear outlet cancer from 0.53 percent to 0.46 percent, ie. 0.07 percent. At the same time the same period of between 20 percent and 50 percent of women who annually go on a mammogram at least once a false positive finding of biopsy; every life saved by mammography, 2-10 Women's predijagnosticirano (4).
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is routinely used for the mass screening of prostate cancer. Lately seriously questioned; an American expert group 2012 eliminate the need for this type of screening because research shows that damage could exceed the benefit (5). One large study found no effect of screening with PSA in mortality from prostate cancer, and the other is shown to be tested 1,408 men and additionally treat cancer, 48, to be in nine years to prevent one death from the disease, and all with great chance of false positives (6-8). The disease is statistically on the rise because it often reveals screening, but mortality has been declining, and this just in countries that implement organized screening and those who do not (9).
False positive results are one of the major controversies regarding the screening. Autopsy of a large number of subclinical cancers, such as prostate, breast and thyroid. Most prostate cancer does not spread beyond sear outlet the organ, and people does not shorten life. Mammography or ultrasound determined changes in the breast and with the finding of malignant cells and tissues does not always lead

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