Sunday, September 14, 2014

But do not fly ... the first fly in early 2013. They [

The new aircraft purchases and previous management during injurious Fleet Farm, hidden liabilities and risks in the international market - "airBaltic" council chairman Andris Liepins Anita Braun explains how the new administration is planning to transform the company to 83 million actual loss last year to the threshed profitability 2014th year.
Why all the time spoke of the new aircraft will buy the "Airbus" or "Boeing", but in the end bought the "Bombardier"? Public "Bombardier" had been suggested as a supplier, but it did not appear suddenly. Interest in aircraft delivery has long been all of these companies. The negotiations took place under the previous management, but their intensity was intensified when the government, "airBaltic" spring board and council approved the company's restructuring, the so-called "reshapes" plan and business plan. Business plan envisaged fleet changes, it was publicly known. I have a feeling that due only to the fact that "Airbus" and "Boeing" had a serious garnet hill sale of the day interest in the "Airbus" made a good offer, "Bombardier" gave "firm Proposals' (specific offer - ed.). I do not know if it would have happened if they had just parunāšanās on the topic of the fleet to be replaced. One is padiskutēt about possible cooperation, but quite another - really give an accurate bid - that's the price we have such rules, we are ready to negotiate.
Why it was not open public procurement, such as "Passenger Train" case? The state is the dominant part of "airBaltic", garnet hill sale of the day but there are also private shareholders, and the law does not require that such a case should follow a formal procedure that essentially only follow it to the shareholders, the Board is confident that negotiations take place. It is essential that the aviation industry procurement in any way call into question. "AirBaltic" Chairman Martin Gauss this [aircraft acquisition] procedure had already gone through twice, and in fact it has participated in the same suppliers. How did it happen? Participants garnet hill sale of the day presented a "firm Proposals', and the last day of every conversation was about whether it is possible to further improve the supply. "Airbus" and "Boeing" knew and saw what the "Bombardier" offer. All were able to improve their offers, if needed, could take a pause for the same day contact with [head office]. The meeting garnet hill sale of the day was organized Latvian especially in the late afternoon in order to be able to communicate with the United States or Canada, should the need arise. Although I did not participate in this proceeding, attended by two other members of the Council. I believe that the Board should trust the Board. In addition, the company owned by the state, I represent the shareholders - the state, and vendor representatives in the negotiations can begin to put more than just economic garnet hill sale of the day concerns. I think it is good that [the Board members] participate as observers, but not at the level of the President. I want to stress that relations with both the "Boeing" and "Airbus" has remained good. At the beginning of one of the companies ["Airbus"] was an emotional reaction, but then had a meeting with representatives of both companies, and relationships are rational, business-like. "Bombardier" offer to the airplane 'CS300' can very significantly change the distribution of mid-range (mean value - ed.) Aircraft market in general globally. garnet hill sale of the day I think that 'Bombardier' market share will increase significantly. The most important thing that the aircraft spends about 20% less fuel, it is cheaper to maintain than the "Airbus A319" garnet hill sale of the day or "Boeing 737-700" aircraft, which are equivalent.
But do not fly ... the first fly in early 2013. They ["Airbus" and "Boeing" medium-sized aircraft with more efficient engines] will fly in 2019. Of course, all of them, and the "Boeing 737 Max" and "A319neo" [will]. We could become the "Max" customer first, if you had chosen the "Boeing". "Bombardier" is 31, the type of airplane they produce. Experience in the market is very large, it is the third largest aircraft manufacturer. "Bombardier Airospace" has 34 thousand employees, half of them in Europe. Almost half of all aircraft operations with European companies. Also, "airBaltic" is already flying with the "Bombardier" aircraft. In the corporate segment, the supply of aircraft for business purposes "Bombardier" owns half of the world market. Why this offer is so good? They use technology, which is the new "Boeing Dreamliner", using composite materials, so they are much lighter.
OK, greater fuel economy. What else is "Bombardier" trumps with which it outperformed other offers? The key is the price and the different types of operational costs, maintenance and repair costs. "Bombardier" the ability to provide the benefits of warranty garnet hill sale of the day & m

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