Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Photo: Publicity photo March 29 - the day when the whole world plunges into the Earth hours alone,

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This weekend you can go hunt for the arts, as well as quench your curiosity by exploring ltdcommodities Navy fleet ships. Similarly, a wide range of performances and concerts ltdcommodities offer, ltdcommodities and that above all, do not forget about Earth Hour, when 29 March from. 20:30 to 21:30 local time, turn off the electricity!
Photo: REUTERS / Scanpix Earth hour campaign (29.03.), Which will take place around the world in its eighth year, this year will participate in Riga, Auces county, Baltinava county, county Prize, Carnikavas ltdcommodities county DOBELE county, Gulbenes county, Jaunpiebalgas county, Jelgava, Jurmala, Kandavas county, Krimuldas county, Kuldīga s county. ltdcommodities Ķeguma county, Lielvardes county, Liepaja, Lubanas county, Ludza, Ogre's county, Ozolnieku county, Rojas county, Rundāles county, Salacgrīvas ltdcommodities county Salas county Salaspils county, Saulkrastu district, Sigulda county, Skrīveru county, Tērvetes county, Valka district , Valmiera, Varakļānu county, district and Vārkavas Vecumnieku ltdcommodities county.
Photo: Publicity photo on Saturday, March 29, marks exactly ltdcommodities 10 years since Latvia joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Residents are invited to attend this historic event dedicated to the events. Riga and Liepaja from. 13:00 to 15:00 will be open for public viewing Navy flotilla ships. Riga Daugavgriva residents to visit the new patrol "Skrunda", ltdcommodities "Cesis", "Viesīte" and "Jelgava", as well as the headquarters and supply ship "Hero". By contrast, 84 Liepaja ltdcommodities quay will be able to see mine craft "Viesturs" ltdcommodities and "Rusins Headquarters and supply vessels "Chief," as well as a team of divers equipment, maritime surveillance and oil relief mobile units.
Photo: Publicity ltdcommodities photos ltdcommodities at March 29. 10:00 to 16:00 Kalnciema ltdcommodities block will take place in the courtyard of farmers and artisans fair, where visitors will be able to purchase a variety of crafts and fresh produce. Marketspace will be held during the annual exhibition of young artists selling "art hunt". This time the Fair will be some new handicraft with knits, smoked cheese from Hungary and has the usual homemade goodies. ltdcommodities Marketspace within at. 12.00 Kalnciema Quarter cooperation with the Latvian Academy of Arts will open the annual "Art hunting" - an exhibition of works by young artists for sale. Art hunt" will go from 29 March to 19 April. The exhibition sale Art Hunt" is Kalnciema Quarter and the Latvian Academy of Art, a joint initiative of both art scholars and interested parties together ltdcommodities at home allows you to get to know the brightest new artists, as well as buy them. "Art game" the opening ltdcommodities of one of the exhibitors will be awarded a special prize - the opportunity to hold a solo exhibition in the gallery Kalnciema block. In turn, every visitor will be able to measure the spot to meet the artists ltdcommodities themselves, as well as gain valuable advice and listen to the recommendations of works of art in the field of choice.
Photo: Publicity photos already this weekend Kipsala ltdcommodities exhibition Motorcycle 2014" Everyone is invited ltdcommodities to look at the unique ltdcommodities Former Riga's motorūpnīcas Red Star moped mokiku and cycle collection. In parallel with the exhibition "2014 ltdcommodities Motorcycle Kipsala and active recreation and sports ltdcommodities exhibition Recreation and Sports 2014", an international hunting ltdcommodities and fishing tackle and accessories exhibition "Hunting and fishing 2014 and boat and yacht exhibition "Baltic Boat Show 2014".
Photo: Publicity photo March 29 - the day when the whole world plunges into the Earth hours alone, Latvian University choir "Juventus", the State Chamber Orchestra "Sinfonietta ltdcommodities Rīga" and the World Wildlife Fund calls for "Spring Night Concert Latvian University Great Hall. Music creation agree in choral conductor Imants Marcis and Rudolph Chair, as well as the three masters - Juris Klavins, Janis and John Lindenbergs peas. Latvian University Great Hall will be dressed in special, just for this concert created ltdcommodities the visual ltdcommodities elements.
Photo: Publicity photo in 1997 by Lyman Frank Baum story "magician ltdcommodities wondrous land of Oz motives became Walt Owls and Peter Brūveris musical "Magician of Oz land." Very different musical birthday is expected at the end of March 2014, the recently-launched Music House "Daile". The show will be used for up to 12 layouts, 3D graphics and video piefilmējumi. With a variety of visual technologies, high-quality musical performances, directing and choreography of the show will get the help of a decent ltdcommodities film dynamics and spectators will experience breathtaking events. Intermission and after the show every viewer will be able to see the show and mock-ups of the main protagonist Dorothy an unusual travel card. Eve will play the role of a new production Sutugova, ltdcommodities Anton Zamišļjajevs, Uģis Rose, Walt Owl Eve Akurātere, Aija Vītoliņa, Jan Christiaan Kalnins

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