Thursday, September 18, 2014

But finally unsurprising America and boasting p grznošanās a strange

Freeport Chairman of the Board and the Riga Vice Mayor Andris Ameriks last Friday prodavnice igracaka reported that ice anglers from atlūzušā piece of ice nocēla port tugs, justifying prodavnice igracaka the contested decision the port tugs buy. In fact, as revealed, anglers saved by the private firm owned by PKL tug Mars -1.
Riga harbor tug and icebreaker involved in rescuing people from atlūzušajiem ledusgabaliem," March 29, a social prodavnice igracaka network of Twitter rescue Posted in America. Freeport tug of Mars for the first group of people leading to the coast. Tug Santa is currently hosting the next group of people, "followed by the next report. Andris Ameriks (GKR), which keeps track of the ongoing rescue operation Vakarbuļļi, told LETA that such events prodavnice igracaka confirm that the port, which has its own icebreaker prodavnice igracaka tugs and operatively may help in rescue prodavnice igracaka operations," read later LETA terms.
In fact, the tug of Mars-1, who rescued the people shown in the photos to the web sites owned by the Estonian company PKL. Its name is also on the same tug. That is Mars-1 from a piece of ice nocēla 161 people. prodavnice igracaka From held PKL fleet dispatcher report, the minutes displayed by the movement of tugs in port, it can be concluded that Freeport three tugs rescue operation was serviced berths or ships. When anglers dune on Mars-1, went to the aid of a tug owned by Freeport Santa, but one might expect that its services prodavnice igracaka were no longer needed because all Vakarbuļļi sea waft people had climbed on Mars -1. asked the opinion of America, why publicly lied about the port tug participation of people rescue operation. Ameriks answer was given by cell phone text message, making incorrect question prodavnice igracaka and statement: "Both PKL fleet tug Mars and port tug Stella working in Riga and is subject to the Harbour Master, who has also decided prodavnice igracaka to take part in a rescue operation. He was sent there also Varma . Wishing you more positive prodavnice igracaka emotions, because it extends the life. "
PKL and the Freeport of Riga is a complicated relationship history. After Freeport in 2010 bought their tugs, it prevented the Estonian company PKL provide tug services in Riga. Court action in this port was declared illegal and ordered the PKL allow Freeport to provide their services. Also, the State Audit Office in March this year, released the audit report of the Freeport's decision to engage in the tug business censured and concluded that, with the creation of the Freeport of Riga SIA fleet Port "has acted unlawfully with the financial resources and property LVL 6 100 000."
By participating in the relief effort harbor tug publicly justified the purchase of the Freeport of Riga employee Silenieks Viesturs, who reported on Twitter: "When prodavnice igracaka anglers on a piece of ice floating at sea, the port and its jātērējas tugs for harbor help save money. (..) For the State Audit Office also runs rescue! # Dullness # myopia # venality
But finally unsurprising America and boasting p grznošanās a strange "peacock feathers". Ameriks selects all of which are useful to advertise just before the local elections. Thank you for journalists who are vigilant, because it is already the fourth power,!
Berta Ameriks has long since do not know how not to lie. The question why publicly lied about the port tug participation in the operation to rescue people, he does not understand. All of the anecdotes in which Sparrow walked behind the plow, beak horse shit and boasted: "We Aramis."
Former Director of the Department of Riga City Council experience could be useful in waste management Ameriks GKR does not exclude cooperation with the SC on 93 parliamentary elections

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