Monday, September 22, 2014

Greek urban markets held a lively trade in various products, clothing, shoes, weapons, ceramics and

The Greeks were very skilled craftsmen. They produced a wide range of subjects, fleet farm fargo not just for themselves but also for export to other countries. Master himself had his own workshop. Together with his sons worked or laborers, and some slaves. A large workshop where work more than 20 people, there was not much.
Potter's position was one of the most important positions in antiquity. The ancient Greeks used the most potteries. Greek pottery products were diverse, durable and, above all, very beautiful. They bought fleet farm fargo all over the ancient world.
Greece was much more significant trading town but the main one was in Athens. After the war with Persia, Athens possessed the biggest fleet. It controlled shipping throughout the Aegean. Athenian vessels fleet farm fargo were found throughout the Black and the Mediterranean. Athens port of Piraeus was. Piraeus trading port at the same time was able to moor about 400 ships. Piraeus developed into a small town. Here lived the shipowners, merchants, sailors, and so on.
Greek urban markets held a lively trade in various products, clothing, shoes, weapons, ceramics and other consumer goods. Traded mainly farmers themselves and artisans, as well as petty traders fleet farm fargo who bribed their goods. The buyers substantial part of the goods purchased from the hosts mainly fleet farm fargo for export, not internal market.
Slave trade holding company evolved collided with the inevitable difficulties - the polis, the local market limitations. Direct manufacturers - slaves - did not buy anything but free craft junk status, which was associated with slave labor in crafts, free crafts and reduced purchasing power. In such circumstances, the vital importance of acquired foreign trade relations. Due to competition in foreign trade, a conflict arose between the trade and craft the policy: between Athens and Corinth, between Athens and Megara, etc.. Developed sea trade that promised fleet farm fargo income, but at the same time was associated with a risk. Traders and sailors are always threatened by sea disasters and pirates.
Foreign trade based on the price difference that existed between the same goods in different countries. It was exported local products, which were not produced in other areas, and luxury items. Developed direct sea trade, because the carriage of goods by road through the yoke of cattle were significantly more difficult and costly.
Athens was the first maritime union association, fleet farm fargo through which the polis was partly overcome economic scarcity. This alliance was formed to achieve victory in the war against Persia, actually grabbed his arms control over the trade in the Aegean basin and the trade routes through the straits, as well as the shopping intensified contacts with the Black Sea coastal policies.
Due to the economic lead at Athens in Greece spread to the V century BC silver money as the most stable currency. Athenian coins gladly accepted most of the Greek polis. In general though it should be noted that the Greek polis always tried to skip the money in circulation, and therefore had a lot of different weight and value of the coins.
Management of land was not enough to suffice for all. Imported grain was expensive. Farmers had to borrow money and grain. And if unable to return the debt, then had to part with their own property. Ought to seek livelihoods elsewhere.
Traders and sailors saw far away a place where there was a good harbor, plenty of fertile land. Greek polis, and thus began to form groups of expatriates. In the middle of the emigrants were not only farmers and traders, but also artisans who hoped to exile himself great wealth. Highlighting all was ready, who did not feel well in their native policy.
From the second century. pme, flourished in the mid-size farms. (approximately 20 -50 acres of land). Estates in the countryside was treated slaves. The Romans added the slaves on the estate inventory. Medium-sized estate management should have a couple of dozen slaves.
In ancient times, most grown crops in Italy. fleet farm fargo After the conquest Rome began to toll in the form of lots of cheap grain provinces. fleet farm fargo Bread enough. The Italian estates in large areas of the tumor grapes and olives. Olives, fleet farm fargo olive oil, wine and bread were the most important foods.
Each farmer cultivated his land with his own family. Rarely been used slave labor (usually 1 - 2 of slaves). Tools were the simplest. Farmers tumor whatever it takes to survive his family. The farmers kept a few animals - oxen, one cow, sheep and goat club, a couple of donkeys or mules, pigs.
By the time the peasant life became increasingly difficult. Italy inflow of cheap grain from the provinces. Grain farmers could no longer be realized. Farmers began to clear out the wars, the Roman soldiers fought peasants farther from Italy. Farmers lost their land went to Rome hoping to find a better life there. fleet farm fargo
Rome was the center of power in the city of Rome. Seven hills of Rome took Tib

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