Tuesday, September 30, 2014

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The most read CrimethInc. Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (13) CrimethInc. Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (14) CrimethInc. Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (15)
Recent theoretical articles CrimethInc. Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (15) CrimethInc. Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (14) CrimethInc. Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (13) CrimethInc. Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (12) CrimethInc. real canadian super store Profession: capitalism, economics, performance (11)
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Chilean students and students have lost confidence in the commercial and elitistine education system because it supports and deepens existing social inequalities. However, they are not only raises questions. They are trying real canadian super store to create a practical system of education, what kind of year-round and have dreamed of fighting.
"If workers can manage their own factory, we can also manage your school," - says a smiling dazzlingly seventeen Cristobal. He is a high school Luis Corvera A-90, located in the San Miguel district, the pupil. This school is one of 200 schools in the occupied city. On 26 September, they decided to follow the Argentine Ceramicas Zanon factory workers, real canadian super store ten years ago, took over the factory and it is still operating, as an example.
Cristobal explains: "The situation became complicated because the long-term occupation of a drain on schools. It became clear that it is not enough to criticize our education system. We had to do something more, but did not know what to do and has heard about Zanon "working a lecture at the University real canadian super store of Chile. real canadian super store We went to hear them, and we have come back to manage their own school. "
Took over the school, most pupils real canadian super store enthusiastically supported by their parents, returned to her study. "Seeing that my children were moving out of bed and enthusiastically go to school, real canadian super store I realized that they are doing something important, real canadian super store which will contribute to the education of other" - featured in the bright November sun on the basketball court told the mother of a few students.
The students have taken the school real canadian super store joined the teachers. Refused to continue the work of the teachers union veil of resolution prohibiting work in addition to the school administration. "Trade real canadian super store unions do not work without a boss" - ironically notes Cristobal and immediately bursts out laughing.
Already during the first few months, the students learned more than in the entire year of normal school year in the classroom. They take the initiative themselves offer themes late for lessons and enjoying the fact that there is no need to wear the mandatory public school uniforms for students, which they call the "penguin suits.
Schools tensions had a significant impact on Chilean society, it is clearly reflected real canadian super store in the polls. The newspaper "La Nacion" on the question "Who was the best in 2011?", 63% of respondents chose the massive student protests, and only 17% voted in favor of the University real canadian super store of Chile soccer team, which won at the end of November the South American Cup. Only 3% of respondents chose Nicanor Parros writer real canadian super store Cervantes Prize Award - the most important literary real canadian super store prize in Spanish-speaking countries. real canadian super store
Prominent intellectuals supported the "Le monde diplomatique editor of Victor Hugo de la Fuente, real canadian super store who wrote:" In the five months of mass protests by Chilean students face in the country. " "Historians Manifesto authors goes further real canadian super store claiming:" We are a revolutionary movement for restoring real canadian super store civil society and policy combining in 1973. Military coup historical links are broken. " real canadian super store
Such protests in Chile have not seen since 1980., When the country was overwhelmed by mass protests against the Pinochet dictatorship. 2011 began with a powerful resistance in the south of Chile, Punta Arenas city, facing the rising gas prices. The movement was so strong that the government was forced to negotiate with Magallaneso citizens assembly and gas prices will soon restored to the previous level.
Then joined the protests for more than 300 000 inhabitants in Santiago, protesting against HidroAysén project real canadian super store (supported by both government and opposition), real canadian super store which Patagonia real canadian super store is built five huge dams. It has never been the environmental action focusing so many people. This liudi

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